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Self Publishing and Blog Tours

I’m going on tour y’all!  Blog tour, that is.  I’ve ponied up the money to hire a blog tour coordinator.  Later on in March I will be on a blog tour that’s being coordinated by Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours.  It’s a company that specializes in, as the name would imply, blog tours of historical fiction works.  They are tuned into the big book review blogs that specialize in historical fiction, and they offer up “tours” where you appear on a different blog each day for a set period.

You can do a Q&A session, guest posting, just a straight review by the blogger, or a combination of them all.  You can also do giveaways and swag.  So basically, I signed up, paid the fee, and I have this nifty blog tour page put together, and will be “appearing” on blogs for two weeks, from March 15-29.  They will, hopefully, generate preorder sales.

After confirming with Amy that we were going to move ahead, I filled out a long questionnaire asking for blurbs, reviews, book trailers, social media, etc.  Once it was all filled out, the tour page was created, and I can now share it far and wide.  The company is finding bloggers who will feature me, and the company acts as a middleman.  All in all, it seems like a good use of money.

It’s all a big experiment, and I’ll be reporting on how it goes.  I’ve already had one extra sale with a comment saying that they bought it because of the book tour post, and the tour announcement has received 274 shares today according to the bar on the site.  That’s gotta generate some buzz, I would think.  But will buzz equal sales?  That, my friends, is the question.

For now, I’m concentrating on getting my edits complete, and the audiobook recorded, which is the pre-order goodie that I’m giving out.