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This Week in Tudor News: January 26 edition

The news cycle moves fast. It’s hard to keep up with the most important world events, much less anything you’re actually interested in. That’s why I’m here with the weekly roundup of Tudor news stories that caught my eye this week.

The fabulous Nathen Amin lists must-see castles with Tudor connections:
Start planning your summer holidays now!

Beacon Hill Fort is Britain’s least-visited tourist attraction. Only six visitors last year. The fort dates to Roman times, but the fort that’s there now is Tudor. They’re getting a makeover and restoration, and an activity center, so when you’re making those summer plans, include a side trip:

Read about royal pets through the ages in this interesting article, which includes the tidbit of how Katherine Howard gave Anne of Cleves two pet dogs that Henry had given her – regifting is Tudor-chic!

This is a great read about Blanche Parry, who was Elizabeth I’s nursemaid – the two were so close that they spoke in code (Welsh) when they wanted to have a secret conversation.

Property news
If you’ve got a spare £2m, this luxury home automatically comes with the title of Lord or Lady, so, you know, bonus.

There’s great restoration works going on at the home of Henry VIII’s Lord Chancellor, William Sandys, and you can actually get up close and personal to see the repair work:

If you’re anywhere near Peterborough, check out the Katherine of Aragon festival this weekend!

Listen to this!
The Free Download of the Week from BBC’s Classical Music Magazine is the Alamire Consort’s tribute to Katherine Parr and Thomas Tallis – sign up for their newsletter list to get the download
You can also listen to it on Spotify here