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The Tudor Fair Blog

Let’s Pause for a Moment, and Reflect

I’ve started working through the Jeff Goins TribeWriters and Intentional Blogging course in the past month.  I’m about midway through TribeWriters, which is why you’re seeing some nifty changes around this blog – like a move towards being self-hosted, the newsletter sign up box, a more consistent blogging schedule (which I’m…

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Old Music Monday: Tudor Anthems from the Choir of Clare College, Cambridge

One of the things I love about Spotify is that when you ‘follow’ an artist (ie click ‘follow’ on their artist page), you get a notification whenever a new album from that artist is added to the database of music.  I adore that.  I don’t have the time to keep…

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Old Music Monday: The Spy’s Choirbook from Alamire

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of going to Sidney Sussex College, in Cambridge, and interviewing Dr. David Skinner, the choral director there, and a brilliant musicologist.  In addition to being incredibly charming, he is also bursting with information which he relays in an approachable way.  I taped…

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Old Music Monday: The Cardinall’s Musick and Elizabethan religious PR gigs

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bMiYnzkZx4?list=PLhHbeycso61VkjUYaeHgmoVrs1lkU8Q_f] This week The Cardinall’s Musick has seen some heavy rotation on my Spotify.  They are a UK based ensemble that, like many early music groups, is scholarly in their recordings of 16th and 17th century music.  They mostly record with Hyperion – a label I love – but…

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